Ruby on Rails - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 1 Ruby on Rails介紹; 2 应用; 3 歷史; 4 Rails的運作模式; 5 Rails的MVC架构 .... 取自“”.
Ruby - 维基百科 Ruby 是一种面向对象、命令式、函数式、动态的通用编程语言。在20世纪90年代中期由日本人松本行弘(Matz)设计并开发。 遵守BSD许可证和Ruby License[9][10]。它的灵感与特性来自于Perl、Smalltalk、Eiffel、Ada以及Lisp语言。由Ruby语言本身还发展出了JRuby(Java平台 ...
Ruby (programming language) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Ruby is a dynamic, reflective, object-oriented, general-purpose programming language. It was designed and developed in the mid-1990s by Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto in Japan. According to its authors, Ruby was influenced by Perl, Smalltalk, Eiffel, Ada, and
Ruby - NetBeans Wiki Ruby NetBeans Ruby Support Removed from standard IDE distribution in 7.0! See: RubySupport The NetBeans Ruby support plug-ins provide an integrated development environment for building, running, testing, and debugging Ruby and Ruby on Rails applications.
The Ruby Toolbox - Wiki Apps Instiki is a Wiki Clone written in Ruby that ships with an embedded webserver. You can setup up an Instiki in just a few steps. Possibly the simplest wiki setup ...
Ruby on Rails - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Ruby on Rails, or simply Rails, is an open source web application framework written in Ruby. Rails is a full-stack framework that emphasizes the use of well-known software engineering patterns and paradigms, including convention over configuration (CoC),
網站開發快10倍-探索Ruby on Rails的高速魔法 | iThome RoR的開發速度可以比Java快10倍,比PHP快五倍。這樣的魔術數字,RoR到底是如何辦到的? ... RoR話說從頭 11月10日,一個星期五晚上,一群熱衷Ruby on Rails的私人聚會在中山北路某家咖啡店上演,席間有創辦臺灣第一個社群式書籤HEMiDEMi的葛力、即將 ...
RubySupport - NetBeans Wiki RubySupport Where is Ruby on Rails Support in the NetBeans IDE? As of NetBeans 7.0, the Ruby on Rails module is no longer included in the NetBeans IDE. See Community Message. But there is a Ruby and Rails plugin made by the community. You can find it ...
RPi Ruby on Rails - Installing Ruby on Rails on Raspberry Pi [Please note that raspbian (and, probably, the other current pi oriented linux distros) already have pre-compiled packages for Ruby on Rails; you can find these by checking with apt-cache search ruby | grep rails.
Learning Ruby on Rails - Stack Overflow As it stands now, I'm a Java and C# developer. The more and more I look at Ruby on Rails, the more I really want to learn it. What have you found to be the best route to learn ...